B.C.’s Quest for Tires (Colecovision) gameplay footage

B.C.’s Quest for Tires (Colecovision) gameplay footage

Based on the comic strip B.C. by Johnny Hart and available for several platforms, B.C.’s Quest for Tires is a fun platformer with a little humor. This is probably the best looking version, and one of the best looking games for the Colecovision.

As the caveman Thor, you must ride your unicycle through various hazards in order to rescue your girlfriend. The game is autoscrolling, with the 2 action buttons increasing or decreasing your speed. Push up to jump and down to duck.

I added a couple of extra deaths at the end of the video since I avoided those during this playthrough.

This is another uncharacteristically non-adventure Sierra On-Line release. Though come to think of it, the Atari 8-bit version of the game might have been the first time I heard of them.

Thanks to Justin for loaning me this one.