BC Racers Game Sample – Sega CD

BC Racers Game Sample – Sega CD

A pretty mediocre game… plain and simple. To give you an idea, take Super Mario Kart and Road Rash. Then, remove nearly everything that was good about the gameplay. Once you’ve done that, make the visuals look dull and throw in somewhat slippery controls on top of all that and low quality music. Now think for a second what hardware this game is operating on. Yeah, it doesn’t make much sense to me either. The game is playable, but there are better racing alternatives for the original Genesis/MD (though you don’t have too many options on the Sega CD to be honest). The Sega CD port has a nice cartoony opening intro but a lower framerate than other versions of the game during actual races (including the 32X port).

In the game, you simply choose a racer (several new characters as well as Chuck Rock and Junior from, well, the “Chuck Rock” games) and race laps punching out the competition and avoiding obstacles while attempting to place in the top positions to earn points and win the championship, which the winner gets a sweet new prehistoric ride. Each lap has meat to refill your health which you’ll want to acquire if needed as the CPU is pretty good at wearing you down. You need passwords to play on higher difficulties.